Wednesday, December 12, 2012

a beginning....

i did it! i created a blog! this has been a little brain child of mine for quite a while, but i have to admit i've been a little intimidated. if anyone out there is an artist, or has even just set pencil to paper, it's like that moment when you're about to put the first mark down on a piece of pure, white paper. you want it to be perfect. that's how i've felt about my blog. i didn't want just any blog, i wanted the perfect blog, one that fit me and exuded all the little nuances of me. i started looking avidly into friends' and fellow bloggers' posts, but that did nothing more than just intimidate me further. i looked at their posts and in each one i saw individual perfection. i simmered, i stewed, i thought of what to say, what to name my blog, what kind of personality i wanted my blog to have. eventually though i realized i just had to start, i had to throw caution to the wind and just begin. so here i am, just beginning.

this is me:

that handsome man is my husband.

this pretty much sums up how we feel about being married:

we're newlyweds, we just moved to LA, my hubs just started dental school, and life is great!

in fact, that's what inspired the naming of this blog. life is great, there are daunting and sometimes overwhelming moments, but life is grand. as it's the small things in life that bring me joy, that's what i'm gonna write about.

so there you go, an intro, a sum up, and an explanation, all in one post. is it perfection? probably not, but i started and that feels like enough. :) 

till lates my friends!