Monday, March 4, 2013


I was on a walk today. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the air smelled fresh and clean. For a few short minutes, I forgot I live in LA. It was beautiful.

While on my walk I was aware of flowers in bloom (I mean it. I have hay-fever...I think I sneezed a total of 30+ times). As I walked I thought about these little flowers as I thought about life.

In particular, I thought about these bloomin' beauties:


I warn you now that I am about to draw yet another analogy from these metaphorically friendly little plants. I have never considered the rose a particularly beautiful plant, but today, they were exquisite. They caught my eye and I thought how often I've overlooked and underestimated the beauty of a single rose. 

Then I thought, "How often have I done that in life?"

Then I came up with my rose analogy: Life is like running through a bed of roses. In the thick of running through, every once and a while you notice the beauty around you...but mostly you notice the thorns. You run faster, hoping to get to the end. Once you're there however, the pain quickly fades and, looking back, you more clearly see the beauty of the roses.  

I've had my share of running through the roses. Today I made the pledge to take a little more time to admire the beauty of the current moment.

a hypothetical me enjoying the beauty of the moment

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